Monday, May 4, 2009

Zoo Daze

The Ingham Family started their zoo journal today...:o)

For our birthdays, Brenda and Dewey gave David and I an annual pass to the LA Zoo. Since it was a beautiful Sunday afternoon, we decided to start using it right away! When we went to the zoo last summer, Maxwell was only a couple months old and he slept through the whole trip. Today was much more fun for all of us!

First we went to the petting zoo where we saw sheep, a pig, and lots of goats. Maxwell of course called them all "doggie."

Next we stopped by the prairie dogs to say hello and visit an animal that he could (sort of) call by its name. They have this cool little exhibit where you can pop your head up a hole like you are living right there with the prairie "doggies."

We hiked up the hill (while I commented on missing the nice flat zoo in Brookfield, IL) to visit the hippo, rhino, monkeys, chimps, orangutangs, tigers, giraffs and zebras. We saw lots of sleeping animals today.

pink "doggies?" NO....flamingoes!

Watching the monkeys swing on the ropes...

Maxwell, mommy and a giraffe, May 2009

Maxwell, mommy and a giraffe, June, how he has changed!

It was very crowded and not even that hot, only about 80 degrees, but the animals were camping out in the shade. We had lunch on a bench and even saw our neighbors Lara and Ella. :o) After a few hours in the sun, Maxwell was all tuckered out and fell asleep on the walk back to the car.

All in all, we had a great day!

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